Bailey Family May 2016

Bailey Family May 2016
Bailey Family May 2016 - Big Woods

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Community Visits with the Bishop Day 1 (prayer partners needed)

We recently had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with the Bishop and visit all 13 communities (and 3 schools) he has asked us to serve. Our Bishop, Jose Manuel, was ordained last year on May 17. He has been visiting all the churches and chapels in our Diocese to connect with the people (Coopevega is just one of many). We are humbled by his dedication to serve his flock in this way. This is quite the task to say the least.

Following the Bishop and the Sisters to the communities.

The kids enjoyed the 3 day adventure!

We were blessed to be able to travel along to the chapels with him and visit many of them for the first time. It was a great way to get a better understanding of where they are all located (which dirt road do we take?) and more importantly to get to meet the people of each community, learn the history of the community and to learn some of their needs. And bonus! I learned how to drive in mud and use our 4 wheel drive! It was quite the adventure!

This bridge was so bad that I chickened out and
Donovan drove across it.

Our family really enjoyed this time together. It felt like missions! Honestly we have missed feeling like we are in the middle of missions because we are still laying the foundation for this very new mission post. A lot of time so far has been finding a car, finding a house, getting things for the house, meeting people, practicing Spanish and such.

After visiting each of these small communities the Holy Spirit inspired an idea in my heart. While in Mexico we felt a strong conviction to be praying for the communities where we live and serve. We would love for you to join us in these prayers by choosing a community to commit to specifically pray for each day. Please look at the pictures and see if the Holy Spirit is prompting you to be our mission prayer partner!

Day One:

Laurel Galen – Patron Saint: San Antonio


Paso Real – Patron Saint: San Jose

The people prepared an amazing lunch
with a performance from the children.

Pueblo Nueveo – Patron Saint: La Virgen del Rosario

There were beautiful flowers in the church and
along the path to the church.

Bishop Jose talking with the people.


Notice Gabriel in his normal Costa Rican attire!
To be continued...

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